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11th Annual Brookhill Steeplechase Scheduled to Run on Saturday May 3, 2003

The Raleigh Jaycees present the eleventh annual Brookhill Steeplechase on Saturday May 3, 2003 at Brookhill Farm in Clayton, NC. This annual horseracing event attracts over 12,000 spectators and Steeplechasing’s finest and highest-acclaimed horses and trainers. Gates open at 10am.

Sponsors include the Southeastern Helicopters, GlaxoSmithKline and Hunter Industries. Tickets and detailed information are available online at or by phone at (919) 713-0033.

The Raleigh Jaycees, chartered in 1932 as the Raleigh Junior Chamber of Commerce, is a 350+ member civic organization dedicated to leadership development through community service. To learn more about the Raleigh Jaycees, please call (919) 713-0031 or visit


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