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Brookhill Steeplechase Debuts College Park Entertainment Area on Saturday May 3, 2003

RALEIGH, NC- The Raleigh Jaycees’ Brookhill Steeplechase will debut a newly designed College Park Entertainment area with live bands and performances on Saturday May 3 in Clayton, NC. Attracting over 12,000 spectators and Steeplechasing’s finest and highest-acclaimed horses and trainers, this annual horseracing event has become known as “The Triangle’s Biggest Lawn Party,” now in its eleventh season.

Race day activities in College Park feature performances by local music favorites Fat Head Otis and Big Bertha as well as the annual hat and tailgate contests. Tailgaters and spectators can compete in Brookhill’s annual Hat and Tailgate contests, where grand prize winners can receive a pair of airline tickets good anywhere in the continental United States, Canada and the Caribbean, courtesy of American Airlines. The competition is typically fierce as groups decorate their tailgate spots to look like scenes from
television’s “Survivor” and “Cheers” among other themes and hats range from oversized sombreros to ornate masterpieces.

“With so many colleges and universities in the Triangle area, Brookhill’s College Park is a perfect fit,” lauds Race Chairman Will Stanley. “We have received a lot of positive feedback from the universities and alumni groups in the area and we look forward to having them join us on May 3.”

Other activities include our Children’s area, a vendor area and, of course, five scheduled races featuring the nation’s most up and coming thoroughbreds and jockeys. Sponsors include GlaxoSmithKline, American Airlines and Hunter Industries. Tickets and more information are available online at, by phone at (919) 713-0033 or at area Harris Teeter supermarkets.

The Brookhill Steeplechase is a meet under sanction of the National Steeplechasing Association. Furthering a tradition of over one hundred years, the Raleigh Jaycees have run and operated the Steeplechase since 1993, now in its eleventh season. Jockeys and trainers will compete for a total purse of over $50,000 across four purse and one flat training race. Brookhill is one of five Steeplechase meets across the state- including the Block House, Queen’s Cup, Stoneybrook and Tanglewood Steeplechases- and it is the only sanctioned race in eastern North Carolina.

The Raleigh Jaycees, chartered in 1932 as the Raleigh Junior Chamber of Commerce, is a 350+ member civic organization dedicated to leadership development through community service. To learn more about the Raleigh Jaycees, please call (919) 713-0031 or visit


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