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Lucy Qualifies For National Championship

DARLINGTON-based Lucy Bell captured the Derby House Novice Owner/Rider section at Belton Park Horse Trials in Lincolnshire.

Riding her own 11-year-old Miss Inca, Lucy was on top form capturing the qualifier in a 42-strong section.

The pair started the day with a good dressage score followed by excellent rounds in both the showjumping and cross-country.

Lucy, a student at Leeds University has owned Miss Inca for three years and competes her alongside her other ride, Snow Tiger lll.

Currently hitting a purple patch, Lucy captured the Pre-Novice sections at both Whitton Castle and Brougham before moving up to novice at Belton with Miss Inca who she has high hopes for.

Lucy Bell and Miss Inca in action at Belton Park Horse Trials.

Said Lucy of Snipe Lane, Darlington: "It was wonderful to win at Belton, especially as we had progressed to novice level and the cross-country and showjumping are always up to height.

"I would really like to compete in the Derby House final, so hopefully will be able to make it to Henbury Hall.

"I was delighted with the way Miss Inca went at Belton, it is always a great event and there were a lot in the section, so the win was brilliant."

The win qualifies Lucy and Miss Inca for the prestigious Derby House Novice Owner / Rider final at Henbury Hall in July.


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