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Equine Nutrition and Physiology Society Meeting

Savoy, IL. Equine Nutrition and Physiology Society will meet June 4-7, 2003 in East Lansing, MI. This meeting presents the newest research findings, cutting edge management applications and latest teaching techniques in the equine industry.

ENPS hosts bi-annual meetings where national and international members, guests and students are invited to present 15-minute oral reports and posters. The meeting also includes in depth keynote speakers with state of the art lectures in nutrition, reproduction, exercise physiology, management, teaching and extension along with a horse industry tour.

This year's tour into Amish country near Shipshewana, IN will highlight daily living where horses still play a major role in work and transportation. A nearby horse sale and draft horse pull will be part of the tour.

For more information concerning ENPS membership, sponsorship or registration, contact Mary Swenson, 111 N. Dunlap Avenue, Savoy, IL 61874 or call 217.356.3182 or e-mail:


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