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Frost & Reed fine art dealers

Frost & Reed fine art dealers has been exhibiting in Saratoga Springs each summer for 24 years.

Now that they have a New York City gallery, in additition to their well known London gallery, they are even more excited about seeing their long time clients in Saratoga.

Frost & Reed has had close relationships with leading equestrian and sporting artists for decades, and are specialists in pictures by Sir Alfred Munnings, Montague Dawson, Heather St Clair Davis, Peter Smith and American Booth Malone.

Frost & Reed fine art are sole agents for Scottish contemporary painter PETER SMITH whose works will be shown at a Saratoga Springs July 30 - August 23. Pictured her is "Coming Over Tar Cross - Burn's View"


horse Contemporary American painter Booth Malone will be featured at the Frost & Reed fine art show in Saratoga Springs from July 30-August 23. Here, jockey Jose Santos is featured.

Malone - Jose Santos 18 x 11 inches.jpg



An important work, "Pheasant Country" by Aiden Lassell Ripley, who painted in Massachusetts in the 20th century, will be on view at the FROST & REED fine art exhibition in Saratoga Springs, New York from July 30-Auugst 23 at the Prime (formerly Sheraton) Hotel there.

Information from Frost & Reed at 21 East 67 St NY 212 717 2201


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