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horse Arezzo (Italy) and Las Vegas (USA) Grand Prix find Irish Sport Horses in the Top Ten again!

The Arezzo (Ita) CSI A last weekend (April 18-20) finished with Sundays Arezzo Grand Prix in which Two Mills Showtime (ISH) and Robert Maguire (GBR) took sixth place. Saturdays 1m35 at Arezzo saw another Irish Sport Horse, Highland Sky, take second place ridden by Mirco Casadei (Ita).

Easter weekend in Las Vegas brought success for Ado Annie (ISH) and her rider Will Simpson (USA). In the Las Vegas Grand Prix $50,000 class on Saturday they took fifth place, with the second fastest time and an unfortunate four faults in the second round.

Breeding of the above Irish Sport Horses

Two Mills Showtime (ex Fair is Fair) ~ 1992 Irish Sport Horse Gelding by Cavalier (Holst), out of Grange Queen (ISH), by King of Diamonds (RID).

Highland Sky ~ 1988 gelding by Sky Boy (TB), out of Highland Cherry (ISH), by King Of Diamonds (RID) bred by Sean Grimes, The Island, Kinnitty, Birr, Co. Offaly.

Ado Annie ~ 1993 Irish Sport Horse mare by Errigal Flight (ISH), out of Coolrain Princess (ISH), by Blue Peter (RID), bred by Frances Sheeran, Portlaoise, Co. Laois.


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