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ILPH Issues Warning to Horse Owners with New Equine Passports

Encouraging talks were held this week with DEFRA officials at a BEF (British Equestrian Federation) meeting at the National Agricultural Centre, Stoneleigh.

DEFRA officials had been invited, together with other interested parties from the horse industry, to discuss the draft equine passport order released by the Government earlier this year.

During the meeting the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) tabled a proposal to change the controversial declaration or 'opt out' clause, which was a cause for concern among horse welfare organisations.

The ILPH proposal, endorsed by the BEF Working Party and received very favourably by DEFRA official Allan Buchan, was that "the declaration that the horse could not go for human consumption could only be made at the time that an Annex IV drug was administered, or at the end of its life."

Comments John Smales, ILPH Chief Executive, "By removing the responsibility of the declaration away from the first owner registering the horse, the horse's welfare at the end of its life will not be compromised and the possible closure of England's 2 equine abattoirs can be averted.

"As DEFRA is seriously considering our proposal we strongly advise those horse owners acquiring new passports not to fill in the declaration section, as this could be changed."

Allan Buchan stated that should DEFRA take the proposal on board a statement would be issued prior to the passports order going onto the statute books at the end of November.



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