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A Fitting Tribute to Helen

Fifteen year old horselover Helen Wilkinson tragically died last November in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary shortly after collapsing outside Alford Academy.

Pupils and staff at the Academy, wanting to find a fitting memorial for Helen, approached the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) as she was passionate about horses and had supported them in the past.

Morag Edwards, Helen's registration teacher said, "We discussed with the ILPH our wish for a lasting memory for Helen and it has been decided that a stable at Belwade Farm, their equine recovery and rehabilitation centre at Aboyne, should be dedicated in memory of Helen."

Comments Eileen Gillen, Manager at Belwade Farm, "We are extremely happy to be able to provide such a fitting tribute to a talented young lady who tragically died at such a young age. Our heartfelt thanks go to all those who have so generously made donations towards the running of the box."



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