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Laura and her horse Lark's Summit.
Laura Boynton King Will Change Your Life

Wellington, Florida – April 14, 2003 – Laura Boynton King has a passion: a passion for helping people turn negative attitudes and behaviors into positive ones, conquer fears, attain goals once thought unattainable, to be all they can be. And she succeeds. Over and over again.

But how, you ask? One word: hypnosis. No, no, not the stuff of those B-movies in which the weird hypnotist, sitting in a dimly-lit room, dangles his pocket watch like a metronome, gaining total mind control over his vulnerable subject. Laura’s technique has nothing to do with mind control: Laura helps people help themselves.

Laura’s interest in hypnosis began some 25 years ago when in search of a better understanding of her own self. Like everything Laura does, she dove into the field with a vengeance. She studied for 24 years with renowned hypnotist and psychologist Dorothy Gates, Ph.D; she trained at the Omni Hypnosis Training Center and at the Don Mottin Sports Hypnosis Training Center; she received her neuro-linguistic psychology training from Dr. William Horton; and she trained in motivational techniques with Anthony Robbins.

Laura is presently a certified hypnotist, sports hypnotist and neuro-linguistic psychologist. About three years ago, Laura founded Summit Dynamics LLC, a multi-faceted company that produces Laura’s CDs and publications. She regularly sees clients in her offices in Wellington and Lake Park, with occasional travel to see out-of-state clients. And, all the while, Laura finds time for the horses and riding she loves.

Laura has proven that, through hypnosis, a person can reprogram the negative attitudes and feelings buried in his subconscious, leading to life-changing results. During the state of total relaxation achieved while hypnotized, one’s subconscious goes into a heightened state of awareness. This allows the hypnotist to make positive suggestions, ultimately ridding the subconscious of the negative thoughts and reprogramming it towards the positive.

Laura has helped thousands shed problems such as smoking, alcoholism, fear of flying, fear of public speaking, fear of horseback riding and showing, to name but a few. Depending upon the nature of the problem, Laura will hypnotize the client several times. In between visits and upon completion of the one-on-one sessions, the client should reinforce the positive suggestions through the use of Laura’s CDs for about 20 minutes each day.

Summit Dynamics has produced numerous sets of CDs covering all types of problems. For instance (and these are but a few), there are Laura’s Five Keys to Winning, designed to give the edge to equestrians going to the show ring; Keys to Winning for Life, designed to achieve and maintain a positive balance in life; the Corporate Business Series which will help the businessperson overcome fears of public speaking, increase motivation and memory, and deal with stress; Be Fit for Life which assists with weight loss; the Sports Series which will assist in succeeding in your sport of choice from baseball to running; and the Stop Smoking Series. Laura will also produce CDs custom-tailored for a particular person’s individual needs.

Laura is in negotiations with Dr. Phil and Oprah. QVC and HSN are in the works. Her book on winning performances for the equestrian is in the works. Laura is also the Hypnosis Expert for The Miami Herald -- catch her daily advice at

Laura Boynton King …… a local secret, soon to burst upon the national scene.


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