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The Horse & Country Fair is the site for information on this brilliant exhibtion NEXT WEEKEND.

Sandown Park (Racecourse) indoor exhibition centre Esher. It's going to be even better than last year.
Parking is easy and FREE.
Tickets only £8, or £7 in advance -children only £4. (family discounts 2 + 2, & group discounts too)
The Fair is open 9 am until 5.30pm on both Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th April 2003.
There are loads of indoor and outdoor stands with all sorts of information and selling all your horsey clothing and togs.

Displays by well known people and organisations.

e.g. Parelli, Pammy Hutton, Matt Ryan, Robert Lemieux as well as a Bit Clinic and Celebrity Talk shows too.

Loads of shopping stops. Lots of prizes. Something for everyone and every age.

Lingfield Correspondence Home Study Course staff will be there this year providing information on their LEARN AT HOME courses. We are situated next to the Arab stand. We are giving away 2 free courses in the main competition, as well as £50 and £20 vouchers towards course fees, Bottle of Champagne, head collar and rope, grooming kit, gloves, Points of the Horse and Lumps and Bumbs posters and more. We also have a lucky dip and competitions for children too.

Course tutors will be on hand to talk to anyone interested in finding out about this informal approach to learning with their Home Study Courses on horse care and management, or the BHS Horse Owner's Certificates Levels 1 - 4 examinations.

For further information please visit or e.mail


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