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Mounted Games European Championships

Current British mounted champions Sussex dominated the European Championships held at Gothenburg Scandinavium Horse Show in Sweden. The international competition also saw Powys representing Wales finish second with the home nation of Sweden third, closely followed by Germany. In the pre-Scandinavium competition Sussex also ran out the winners by 43 points, closely followed by Powys on 40.

In the four-day competition held in the famous Scandinavium arena Sussex used their considerable experience to remain unbeaten. The team of Fliss Hotston Jones (Laura), Christian Jones (Pebbles), Alex Jones (Red), Gemma Haws (Mizmi) and Andrew Gledow (Christie) - trained by Clive Jones - dominated the competition to run out winners on a total of 90 points.

Second place on 60 points went to Powys Jo Dale (Milo), Adam Adcock, Kate Lamb (Scorpio), Charlotte Wickson (Meg) and Pete Walters (Mizi) trained by vet Peter Dale.
Sweden were third on 57 points, with Germany fourth on 40 points.


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