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horse Equestrian Barbara Grassmyer Awarded Women’s Sports Foundation Grant

Kingston, RI—April 18, 2003—Equestrian Barbara Grassmyer, a National Disability Sports Alliance (NDSA) champion from Placerville, CA, has been awarded a $1,000 Travel & Training grant from the Women’s Sports Foundation®.

Grassmyer, who won the NDSA Championship at the Bayer/U.S. Equestrian Team Festival of Champions, Presented by State Line Tack, for the second consecutive year in 2002, was one of 18 individuals and six teams to receive the grant, which helps to relieve some of the financial burdens placed on athletes, allowing them to better focus on training. In addition to covering the costs of traveling to competitions, the grants are used to purchase specialized equipment or to pay for coaching or other training expenses.

“The Travel & Training grant program provides a great stepping stone for female athletes to pursue their athletic goals,” said Women’s Sports Foundation® President Dawn Riley. “The Women’s Sports Foundation® is proud to give these young champions a chance at achieving their dreams.”

Since the introduction of the Travel & Training grant program in 1984, more than $1 million has been awarded to more than 1,000 teams and individuals who exhibit exceptional talent or potential in their respective sports. Past grant recipients include Olympic medalists Brooke Bennett (2000, Gold, Swimming); Chrystie Gaines (2000, Bronze, Track & Field); Michelle Kwan (1998, Silver, Figure Skating); Tara Nott (2000, Gold, Weightlifting); Maureen O’Toole (2000, Silver, Water Polo); Nikki Stone (1998, Gold, Aerial Skiing); Jennifer Rodriguez (2002, Bronze, Speedskating); and Picabo Street (1998, Gold, Alpine Skiing).

The National Disability Sports Alliance is the national governing body for equestrian sport for equestrian athletes with disabilities. The non-profit organization is responsible for the development and selection of riders for national championships and international competitions, including World Championships and the Paralympic Games, and provides training, competition and advocacy for riders of all levels with physical disabilities. For more information about NDSA and opportunities to support the programs, please visit our website at or contact Denise Avolio at (914) 949-8166 or




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