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horse Royal Windsor gets Western

Royal Windsor Horse Show, 14th – 18th May 2003 gets Western this year with a fascinating western riding display on the Thursday of the show.

Staged by the Western Horsemen’s Association, the display will demonstrate some of the intriguing and highly skilled disciplines within western riding including Trail, which is designed to demonstrate the horse’s agility and fine-tuned response on the trail.

Western Riding is regarded to be extremely close to the much sought-after achievement of the ‘classical seat’. If you fancy giving it a go there will also be a brief talk on the tack, clothing and training for horse and rider to give you all the inspiration you need to swing into the saddle western style.

The Western Horsemen’s Association of Great Britain (WHA) was formed in 1968 to provide a representative body for all those interested in the western style of riding and to set and maintain a high standard of horsemanship and turnout. Members of the Association include qualified judges and instructors and there is also a set of instituted examinations.

Advance tickets for the Royal Windsor Horse Show are available from the box office, telephone 0870 121 5370 (or +44 115 912 9160 for international calls) and range from £10 - £12 for adults and £7 - £8 for concessions, with on the day prices from £12-£14 for adults and £7- £9 for concessions. A very attractive Membership package is also available by ringing 01753 860633. To find out more about Royal Windsor Horse Show visit the website at


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