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horse Record International Carriage Driving entries for Royal Windsor

Windsor is regarded by many as one of the finest international driving venues in the world and true to its reputation, the Land Rover International Driving Grand Prix, held at Royal Windsor Horse Show 14th-18th May 2003 has attracted a record number of entries.

A total of 78 competitors from 15 countries, including HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, who has himself won the event on two previous occasions, will be competing. Over half the confirmed entries are from foreign participants, with teams travelling from as far afield as Argentina reflecting just how highly regarded this event is. With 19 entries in the teams of Horses class this looks set to be one of the strongest competitions Royal Windsor has seen for several years.

Anyone keen to try their hand at driving will be presented with the opportunity to do so during lunch breaks on the Dressage days of Thursday 15th May and Friday 16th May. This exciting ‘teach-in’ will be hosted by Gary Docking and will also include a questions and answers session for those who would like to know more about the sport.

Advance tickets for the Royal Windsor Horse Show are available from the box office, telephone 0870 121 5370 (or +44 115 912 9160 for international calls) and range from £10 - £12 for adults and £7 - £8 for concessions, with on the day prices from £12-£14 for adults and £7- £9 for concessions. A very attractive Membership package is also available by ringing 01753 860633. To find out more about Royal Windsor Horse Show visit the website at


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