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Hanoverian Horse Happenings
From 'Around the World' to 'Vista Ridge Farm' - Spring 2003

News from the USA

Annual statistics for 2002 from the American Hanoverian Society:

- Approximately 550 foals registered.

- 274 mares Inspected, with the three top mares scoring 8.0 and 28 at 7.33 or over.

- All of the top three inspection mares were domestically bred.

- 78 mares in the Mare Performance Test - now more consistent with Verband policy.

--- 8 Elite mares and 18 Elite mare candidates with the top mare scoring 8.33

News from Vista Ridge Farm

It's the time of year again, the mares and foals have been switched to new pastures and barns as we start the foaling and breeding season.

Arrivals & Anticipated foals for 2003 include:

- Ratje-Niebuhr class winning SPS Worcester's Don Gregory Colt arrived with a neigh half way out of the mare on March 29th.

This foal was already reserved as a filly, but the colt was sold the next day after birth to a new owner from Colorado. It combines Don Gregory's sire Donnerhall with the Don Gregory dam's G line along with Worcester's sire lines of Weltmeyer/Bolero and her dam's Lemon line. We were very pleased with the results of this breeding. Congratulations, to 'Drew's' new owner. Sale Pending. Pictures at .

- Elite Mare Tiramisu's CONTUCCI foal in May.

This will be Tiramisu's third Contucci foal. We have kept the four year old black Calla Lily for our own riding/breeding mare and her three year old gelding, Clipper, makes his new home with a dressage instructor. We have been very pleased with this cross, which produces superb movements with excellent conformation at 17+ hands. This foal is also available at an in utero price of $10,000.

Other foals for sale include:

- 2002 Colt, WYETH by Winterprinz out of EM/SPA Aluette.

This bay colt has the movements that one dreams of from a Hanoverian. Although still a colt, he is very easy to handle and has a very laid back personality. He is definitely a stallion prospect as well an excellent choice for taking one to the higher levels of dressage. Should mature to 17+H. Offered at $12,500.

- 2002 Gelding, DUNNIGAN by Domiro out of EM Tiramisu.

This dark bay or brown gelding is a bundle of energy, but he is still easy to handle. Very correct movement and conformation for a dressage prospect. Should mature to about 16.2H. Offered at $9,500.

All the offspring may be viewed at .

News from Germany

Sensational price at the Hanoverian Stallion Licensing - 515.000(EUR) to US Buyer

At last fall's Hanoverian 2 Year Old Stallion Licensing Auction in Verden, the sensational top price of 515.000,- EUR was paid for a Hohenstein/Donnerhall son. Under thunderous applause, the impressive black horse left the Niedersachsenhalle as the winning stallion. The breeders Struck and Landgraf, Peine, bred the extremely noble stallion with the marvelous basic gaits. He was exhibited by Heinrich Gießelmann, Barver. Douglas W. Leatherdale from the United States bought the equine jewel. He is the chairman of the American Hanoverian Society and will put the stallion at Hanoverian breeder’s disposal at Jens Meyer’s breeding station in Dorum, Germany and he will be performance tested this year.

Other News from the US

The DR. WALTER HARTWIG PRIZE for Best North American-Bred Young Mare

The AHS Board of Directors has accepted a proposal for a new year-end award honoring the "Best North American-Bred Young Mare". This award is to reward the young mare that has the best combined scores from her Studbook Inspection and her Mare Performance Test.

The donor wishes to recognize the young mares who show good qualities not only in their conformation, gaits, rideability and jumping talents, but also "to focus greater attention, both internally and externally, upon the importance of a strong breeding base in North America, particularly of broodmares and to encourage greater use of the Mare Performance Test." This represents forward thinking on the part of the donor and the AHS’s Board of Directors salutes the inauguration of this prestigious award which will recognize the breeders of our best Hanoverian mares.

For more information go to

Wishing everyone a very successful 2003 in their favorite equine endeavor,

Jo Ann & Dale Thomas

VISTA RIDGE FARM - Hanoverians


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