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The World Wide Association of Equine Dentistry offers an officially recognised qualification for Equine Dental Technicians in the UK

The World Wide Association of Equine Dentistry (WWAED) is pleased to announce the acceptance and approval of its equine dental course. The course has been accepted by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) and the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and is now an approved and viable alternative to the British Equine Veterinary Association dental examination. Successful completion of the WWAED examination qualifies the individual for an exemption certificate, which allows the individual to perform advanced procedures, including tooth removal and the use of power tools.

The WWAED course has been designed by practising Equine Dental Technicians (EDT's), in conjunction with Equine Veterinary Surgeons, and contains 3 separate elements:

" A practical examination - a demonstration of the individuals ability to perform the required dental tasks to a defined standard
" A spot examination - a test of the individuals ability to recognise equipment and to detail any background information that is deemed relevant
" A written examination - a test of the individuals ability to identify situations and to document treatment plans to deal with the situation

Gary Khakhian, an Executive Director of the WWAED presenting to some students who will soon become vets, at Newmarket College.

The WWAED examination format consists of a pre-requisite two day theory course, followed by a one day examination. The WWAED examination is open to all individuals, whether they are newcomers to equine dentistry or holders of existing qualifications.

The first two-day theory pre-requisite course will be offered in the 3rd quarter 2003 with the first examination day taking place in the 4th quarter 2003. For more information regarding the WWAED equine dental examination you can visit the WWAED website at:



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