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ABRS launches prestigious award for instructors

The search is on to find the most dedicated and talented riding instructor in the UK. The Association of British Riding Schools (ABRS) has launched a fabulous award scheme to acknowledge the best instructors working at ABRS member schools. So if you know a particular instructor who deserves praise, recognition and prizes for his or her untold teaching talents, now is the time to do something about it.

The ABRS Golden Spur will be awarded to the instructor demonstrating the perfect combination of quality instruction and commercial acumen, teaching at any level. This prestigious accolade will bring both public acclaim and prizes to the winner and also the runner up. Colleagues or pupils who would like to recommend an instructor for the award must talk to their centre proprietor or manager, who is responsible for assessing and putting forward nominations.

A panel of highly experienced and professional judges will carefully consider every nomination before selecting a shortlist of five. Each shortlisted nominee will be formally assessed teaching a group lesson, a private lesson and giving a lecture of their own choosing. The winning instructor will be presented with a beautiful Golden Spur mounted on a plinth and also free entry to an ABRS exam of their choosing, worth up to £200.00 The runner up will receive a trophy and free membership of the ABRS Teachers Association.

The ABRS runs Britain’s longest-established Riding School Approval Scheme and is the only organisation solely representing professional riding school proprietors. The ABRS examinations system provides for highly regarded qualifications in both stable management and equitation.

Nominations must be received by 30 June 2004. The awards will be presented at the ABRS annual general meeting in October. Further information is available from ABRS, Queen’s Chambers, Queen Street, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 4BH, email;


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