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Americana, Augsburg September 8-12, 2004:
Cutting - Highlights during AMERICANA 2004

550 cattle for the international elite of cutters

You can become addicted to cutting - who ever had the chance of riding a cutting horse himself, will approve of that. Experiencing the incredibly agile, fast and intelligent cutting horses fascinates both riders and audience. From September 8 until 12, 2004, the Americana, Europe's number 1 westernriding event, offers a variety of top class cutting events. Cutting fans should not miss this show in the Augsburg Schwabenhalle versäumen. The show management already ordered 550 cattle for competitors.

Cutting during the Americana 2004 is ECHA (European Cutting Horse Association) approved as well. The ECHA encloses all European cutting horse associations. Americana cutting classes are also supported by NCHA of Germany. Altogether, there is a purse of EUR 22 000,-- added for cutting alone, which ought to be the greatest prize money of all European cutting events this year.

ECHA classes will be in open and non pro. Riders can nominate up to three horses each. Open competitors can earn NCHA-USA points with two of these three horses, non pro competitors with one horse. There will be a "Show in Show" to open all possibilities to all riders.
The Americana Masters-Cutting, which is scheduled for Wednesday morning (September 10) is an additional attractive event. Another highlight will be the "Americana Cutting Championship International Team Cup", which is also approved as an official EC-discipline and will be the last event of the Americana 2004 on Sunday afternoon (September 12).

Finals will be the highlight of the night show "Cattle Night"

The final of the ECHA-European Cutting Championship Open will be the highlight of the Americana "Cattle Night" on Saturday, September 11. The gos are scheduled for Wednesday, September 8. The Non pro final will be on Thursday, September 9.

For rules and regulations as well as other details of nomination for cutting, please refer to Please follow 'competitors' and then ‚forms'.

Albert Rowling won the Masters Cutting in 2002

There were about 50 competitors in the Americana Masters Cutting 2002. For the finals, you had to have at least 145 points in the go. The winner was Albert Rowling (USA) astride Holi Gold Zan, scoring 147.5, Gianluca Munarini (Italy) astride Acres Of Time and Brent Gubbels (Netherlands) astride Miss Model Lena placing second with a score of 146. The best German competitor was Juergen Doering who placed fourth astride Playboys King San (145,5).

Another Medal for Germany?

The European Championship 2002 Open was won by Gianluca Munarini astride Acres Of Time (147 points). Juergen Doering and Playboys King San placed second (146,5). The bronze medal went to Ernst Grunder (Swizzerland) astride Chics Peppy Boy (145). Sarig Brosh (Israel) became fourth astride Doctor Pick (144), Gerold Dautzenberg (Austria) placed fifth with two horses.

Non pro European Champion 2002 was Alain Boissier (France) astride Smartlitle, scoring a marvelous 148.5, Alice Marinoni and Clovis Cute placing second (148) and Clarinda De Preter (Belgium) and Macmunn placing third (146.5).

Additional chance for Non pros:
Separate Futurity rating in Reined Cow Horse

There are news for Working Cow Horse during Americana 2004: Besides the Open Futurity there is also a non pro division this time - class in class with the open. That means a rider can nominate for both divisions with only one ride if he or she wishes to. There will be no extra final for Non pro - there are only the gos in Herd Work, Reined Work and Fence Work. The prize money in non pro will be 1,000.-- Euro added.

Top Sport plus Information, Show and Entertainment

But Americana offers even more: besides top sport events there will be a lot of entertainment and fun. The Americana is famous because of its horse fair. More than 200 exhibitors will offer western equipment, clothes, jewelry and much more - anything a western horse lover could ask for. Every day, famous western horse trainers will show their methods and answer questions in the "Western Forum" in hall 4.

Tickets are available under


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