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Mark Phillips Appointed As Burghley Course Designer

Captain Mark Phillips, C.V.O., has been appointed to design the course for the world famous Burghley Horse Trials for the years 2005 to 2007 inclusive.

Captain Phillips, who won the Event himself in 1973 riding Maid Marion, was previously the course designer 1989-1996 and 1998-2000.

Of the appointment Andrew Tulloch, Director of Burghley Horse Trials said: “We are delighted to be welcoming Mark Phillips back to Burghley Horse Trials. Mark Phillips’ fresh style of fence design will be both interesting for the public and thought provoking for the riders. Over the years that Mark was designing at Burghley the stature of the event rose significantly. When we changed Course Designer in the last rotation, the committee publicly said that they hoped that, in future years, they would be able to resume their long, happy and successful association with Mark Phillips and I am delighted that we are doing just that. Our thanks go to Wolfgang Feld for doing an excellent job.”

Captain Phillips said: “I am very pleased to be going back to Burghley next year, it is one of the greatest events in the world. Designing courses at that level is a huge challenge but one which I relish, particularly at a time when we are seeing quantum changes in the sport. Having worked at Burghley before I know the team there very well and look forward to working with them again.”

The course for the 2004 Event (2nd-5th September) will be designed by Wolfgang Feld.

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