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horse 11 Nations, 2000 ponies, 40 classes : an exceptional vintage is being prepared !

The international registrations are closed for this third edition of the CSIP of Fontainebleau (France). 11 nations are already in the starting blocks for this 2004 BIP (for Bonneau International Pony). The tenors of European Pony Riders will unstitch some in a festive environment on one of the most beautiful grounds of the circuit.

By organising this year the French Official Pony Show Jumping (CSIOP), the team of the Etrier d'Arbonne riding school was right. This unique show in France, with a "O" like "Official", propose almost the same program than for the European Championships (1). The mythical ground of the Grand Parquet of Fontainebleau, one of the best grass grounds of France, attracts once again the European elite. Judge by yourself : Ireland, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Luxemburg, Belgium, The Netherlands and France of course. A small exotic touch with the venue for the very first time of a representative of Mauritius !

More than 180 international ponies will compete (" only " 130 in 2003). A considerable rise of the number of participants, like for the national classes. Indeed, beside the champions, the best French national riders will ride on the three other grounds. 40 classes during three days are scheduled, animating the sporting complex from paddle to twilight.

2004 Innovations

The new label " Official " is not the only one innovation. Everything has been thought to make this week-end more pleasant for the competitors and the visitors.

Side competition…

The international program will be very constant, but why should the best riders not have fun ? You want sport and spectacle ? Come and attend to the international team relay on Saturday 17th after the Grand Prix CSIOP. Couples composed of one child and one adult (parent or trainer) from the same nation will compete on the same course against the clock. The european elite will clash in the joy and good mood, a rare moment not to miss !

Side animations…

Ponies invading the city, here is the new gift of the BIP 2004 for Fontainebleau inhabitants ! On saturday 12th from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm, 11 riders from the Etrier d'Arbonne riding school will ravel holding nations' flags. These young ambassadors will announce the beginning of the event.

Some spectacle thanks to Jean Gautier, with his young children riding Shetland ponies and presenting the "Captain Brown" show. A unique carrousel presented for the very first time to the French public.

After volts and diagonals, another equestrian practice : horse race. Seven children, all riders from the Etrier d'Arbonne riding school, will compete in a special race around the Grand Parquet on saturday afternoon, after the Grand Prix.

During all the week-end, Igor Biétry will animate the exhibitors village. More than thirty are waited, from children to adult equipment, a good way to do some shopping.

Side backstages…

Thanks to free cabs (english cabs !) offered by the Fontainebleau Tradesmen Association, the public will be able to go in Fontainebleau city center and from Fontainebleau to the competition ground.

A dozen of sport ponies and horses will be available thanks to the " Marchands Associés " in order to allow professionnal and amateur visitors to test and ride them on demand. A "home sized" service managed by reknowned professionals.

Onyx company, one of the historical partners of the event, renew his operation " Clean Week-end ". During all the week-end, cleaning agents will be in charge of the cleanliness of the place, and dustbins will be installed all around. The aim : to respect the environnement. A citizen act of course !

Finally, the organisation team invite all visitors to a great cabaret evening show on Saturday 17th at 8:00 PM, at the " Clos des Barnolets, a totally new place created by the Novotel Ury Hotel Resort. Nearly 200 persons, of which all the team trainers, are waited to celebrate this first French Official Pony Show.

(1) European Poney Championships (show jumping - dressage - eventing), from 28th july to 1st august 2004, in Jaszkowo (Poland)

To remember…

Grand Prix CSIO - Saturday 17th april at 4:00 pm
Grand Prix CSI - Sunday 18th april 12:00 am
Nations Cup CSIO - Sunday 18th april 3:00 pm


Event address
Grand Parquet de Fontainebleau
Route d'Orléans
77300 Fontainebleau (France)
Tel : 00 33 164.234.287 / Fax : 00 33 164.234.141

How to come

By train : from Gare de Lyon station (in Paris), by suburb train or TER (Train Express Régional) - trip will last between 30 and 40 minutes
By plane : Orly International Airport, almost 50 km away from Fontainebleau
By car : Take the highway A6 direction Lyon, then turn at Fontainebleau exit just before the toll-gate. Follow the N7 road. When you arrive in Fontainebleau, turn at the second traffic circle direction Orléans / Ury / Hippodrome du Grand Parquet. Parkings entries at 1,5 km far form there

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