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Groom's Choice Products to Support Elite Grooms

Groom's Choice Equestrian Products are to reward elite show jumping grooms this summer.

The groom in charge of the winning horse in selected classes, at show jumping competitions across the country, will receive a trendy rucksack - which contains not only a variety of Groom's Choice products, waterproof jacket and baseball cap but also a bottle of bubbly and chocolates as a reward for all their hard work. The 2nd and 3rd placed will also receive a smaller bag that is also full of top quality products. Groom's Choice has also kindly agreed to award winners' rucksacks to the grooms of the first 3 placed horses in the Kings and Queens Cups and the Derby at Hickstead.

Jenny Ellis, who was the World Class Performance Show Jumping Groom Representative has organised this exciting new venture. Jenny is an elite show jumping groom who has a wealth of experience and has travelled the world for John Whitaker and Geoff Billington. She says " this is really exciting as it is going to help raise the profile of the grooms and hopefully give them the recognition that they deserve".

Jo Adams, the Director of Groom's Choice Products says, " We recognise that one of the most important people in a horses life is the one who looks after its daily well being. We feel that these special individuals deserve to be rewarded for their contribution to their riders' success".


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