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Horseworld Grooms Receive RSPCA Awards

HorseWorld grooms Sarah Hollister and Gill Banks were delighted to be awarded the RSPCA Certificate of Merit recently for their part in a difficult horse rescue. The RSPCA gave the HorseWorld grooms the awards as a result of a very tense and potentially dangerous rescue in August 2003.

HorseWorld, the South West's premier equine welfare charity, had been contacted by the RSPCA to help rescue an apparently abandoned mare and foal in a ragwort infested field. Sarah and Gill arrived with the RSPCA, with the aim of removing the animals to safety at HorseWorld's Welfare Department at Whitchurch, Bristol. The emaciated foal was found in a ditch at the bottom of the field, and it became apparent very quickly that the animal was too ill to stand. Despite the best efforts of HorseWorld and RSPCA staff, the foal later died at the vets. Gill and Sarah not only had to cope with the frightened animals, but also with several aggressive travelers, who wanted to stop the animals from being removed. Gill said; "It was really scary. We were just so worried about the horses and it was quite traumatic being threatened by strangers. I am really proud to receive the award, but Sarah and I know that any other HorseWorld groom would have done the same thing".

James Cretney, HorseWorld's Chief Executive said: "This award just proves that HorseWorld's biggest asset is our staff, and we are lucky to have so many dedicated and talented grooms working for us."

The rescued mare has been named Apache and is now recuperating at HorseWorld's Visitor Centre in Whitchurch.

For further information on HorseWorld, please go to, or call Liz Howell or Claire House-Norman on 01275 832425.


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