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Westminster Debate on Live Exports

Following yesterday's (Wednesday 31 March) debate in the Palace of Westminster on the possible resumption of the live exports of British horses and ponies for slaughter, the ILPH is encouraged by the Government's response.

The Westminster Hall debate lead to heated exchanges between Alun Michael, Government Minister of the Horse and James Gray, Shadow Minister for Agriculture who was answering the debate, tabled by Gregory Barker, MP for Bexhill & Battle.

In the debate Alun Michael said that that they would be looking at the European Parliament report very carefully and would seek the views of the European Commission. This means that the Government is now saying that they will look at the possibility of an opt-out for our horses and ponies which can only mean a step forward in the whole process.

Comments Jo White, Campaigns Manager at the ILPH, "Until yesterday the Government has refused to comment on how they believe British horses and ponies will be protected from export for slaughter, choosing only to comment on the details associated with proposed improvements to the welfare of horses during transport.

"Following the fantastic news that an amendment was voted through at this week's Plenary session of the European Parliament, which could provide Britain with the means to have an opt-out for our horses from live export for slaughter, we are now hoping that the Government will seize this opportunity and press for the inclusion of such a proposal in the final Regulation which is due to be examined by the Council of Agricultural Ministers at the end of this month."



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