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Equine Industry Group appoints new Chair to take industry forward

Lantra's Equine Industry Group has appointed a new Chair to steer activities and help the group to shape the future for training and skills. Helen Gallop, who runs Gloucestershire's Summerhouse Education and Equitation Centre, was appointed as Chair after a unanimous vote at the recent meeting of the Industry Group held at the Lantra Head Office at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire.

The Equine Industry Group, which comprises employer, education, trade union and Lantra representatives, meet and communicate regularly to steer priorities and advise Lantra on skills issues, and has already made valuable progress in helping the equine employers across the UK to address their business, training and development needs.

"The industry group works well together and has already provided many positive ideas to take the equine industry forward," says Gill Lovell of the British Horseracing Education and Standards Trust (formerly British Horseracing Training Board), who has chaired the group for the past 3 years."I hope that this group will continue to support Lantra, as our Sector Skills Council, and the equine industry as a whole through its developmentslinked with the Industry Action Plan. I wish Helen all the best as the new Chair".

A significant achievement has been the production of an Industry Action Plan, which can be viewed at, which provides a focus for the long-term goal of addressing the recruitment, training and workforce development issues that face the industry.

The group wishes Helen every success in her new role and thanks Gill Lovell for her efforts and excellent contributions in chairing the group to date.

For further information about the Equine Industry Group, please contact Susie Brennan, Industry Partnership Manager for the equine industry, on 02476 696996 or email


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