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Forum calls for industry co-operation to advance database

The National Equine Forum, held in London last month, called for all members of the equestrian industry to work together to ensure the future success of the National Equine Database (NED).

Graham Suggett OBE, DL, Consultant Director of Breeding British Equestrian Federation, presented a comprehensive paper on ‘The National Equine Database’ at the Forum, provoking an enthusiastic response from attending equestrian organisations, with the majority expressing a strong desire to see the project work effectively.

Defra is working in partnership with the equestrian industry to develop NED, which will be the only complete equine database. The equine identification details needed for the database are being obtained by mandate through the provision of the Passport Order but owners need only supply additional valuable breeding and purchase information on a voluntary basis. If all owners, breed societies, stud books and competition disciplines are willing to release this additional information to the NED, it will result in the production of a single, multi-functional and leading edge information source which will be safely accessible to all sectors of the equestrian industry.

“Clearly the Forum is very familiar with the concept and the benefits of the equestrian industry working together,” said Graham Suggett. “The National Equine Database will only succeed if all organisations provide the voluntary data. What we need now is a ground swell of pressure from members to ensure that ‘their’ organisations do supply data. Defra is funding the capital costs of establishing this database and for the industry not to co-operate fully would literally be ‘looking a gift horse in the mouth’.”

The National Equine Forum is the only independent conference for the horse world in the UK. It is not a lobbying organisation. Its major function is to identify important topics and provide an opportunity to hear all sides of complex issues. An invitation-only event, it has become so popular that the spacious venue was full to capacity this year.

Further information on the National Equine Forum can be obtained from Ailsa Chambers, NEF Secretary, ACHAMBERS@WARKSCOL.AC.UK


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