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The countryside needs you

After a successful trial last year, the NFU Virtual Job Centre is being extended and launched earlier in the growing season.

The summer months are among the busiest on farms and horticultural units as crops are harvested and fruit, vegetables and flowers picked.

The virtual jobcentre – at – will carry details of seasonal jobs from across the country offering the chance to pick strawberries, harvest herbs, prune trees and even make hay while the sun shines.

To attract a wider audience, the NFU is linking up with, the website for Australians, New Zealanders and South African living in the UK, many of whom will be from rural backgrounds and looking for summer work.

There is a huge variety of seasonal work available. There are jobs from tractor driving to working with sheep and cattle, and for experienced workers and novices. Because so many farms have diversified there are often jobs for partners in bakeries, dairies and farm shops.

Many farms also offer accommodation for their workers or can help you to find accommodation nearby.

NFU Combinable Crops board chairman Arthur Hill said: “Last year the virtual job centre worked very well in connecting members with job vacancies with those looking for outdoor work in the summer months.

“We are encouraging as many people as possible to consider casual work in the countryside, even as a break from their regular employment.

“It is a unique opportunity to experience Britain’s countryside at its finest, reconnect with the land and discover exactly how much hard work goes into getting the food from the fields onto your plate.”


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