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Prestonwood Country Club Hosts 2004 Brookhill Steeplechase Gala Benefitting Duke Cancer Center April 30

Raleigh, NC - Cary's Prestonwood Country Club was selected as the host of the 2004 Brookhill Steeplechase Gala on Friday April 30. Themed "An Evening of Elegance," this annual charity benefit marks the start of the 12th annual Brookhill Steeplechase weekend featuring a gourmet buffet dinner, silent and live auction and dancing. Dress is black-tie optional and tickets are available online or by phone at $60 each. Auction and festivities begin at 7:00 p.m. and conclude at 12:00am midnight.

WRAL-TV news anchor Lynda Loveland is scheduled to be the 2004 Emcee and Auctioneer for the event. Silent and live auction items include vacation getaways, tickets to performances by the North Carolina Symphony and Carolina Ballet, garden and landscaping packages and handcrafted artisan furniture.

Proceeds from the Brookhill Steeplechase Gala support the Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Anna's Angels Foundation. The Duke Comprehensive Cancer
Center is a priority charity of the Raleigh Jaycees and the North Carolina Jaycees - one of the nation's premier cancer research and treatment facilities. Anna's Angels Foundation is a local non-profit organization which supports cancer research for children with Down Syndrome and Leukemia.

More information about the Brookhill Steeplechase Gala, the Brookhill Steeplechase and Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center are availble online at

The Brookhill Steeplechase Gala is presented by the Raleigh Jaycees under the Raleigh Jaycees Community Impact Fund. The Raleigh Jaycees Community Impact
Fund is a 501(c)(3) corporation, affiliated with the Raleigh Jaycees, dedicated to generate and provide financial support for the needs of the local Raleigh community.

The Raleigh Jaycees is a 250+ member civic organization affiliated with the North Carolina Jaycees, the United States Jaycees and the Junior Chamber International. Comprised of young professionals 21-39 years of age, the Raleigh Jaycees celebrates 72 years of leadership development through community service since its beginning back in 1932. For more information on the Raleigh Jaycees or the Raleigh Jaycees Community Impact Fund, please visit our award-winning website at or contact our office at (919) 713-0031.


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