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farrierFACTS steps into National arena award-winning equine lifestyle series to feature hoofcare

Albany, NY -- March 16, 2004, -- UNBRIDLED, winner of the US Equestrian Federation's 2003 BROADCAST MEDIA EXCELLENCE AWARD announced it will feature a special hoofcare segment in every episode of its National broadcast this season. The feature segment, aptly named farrierFACTS is a two-minute piece dedicated to sharing a better exchange of information between owners, trainers and farriers to promote proper shoeing and regularly scheduled hoofcare.

Susan Kayne, creator and host of the award-winning series, lives by the conviction, "the farrier is the single most important component to success in any horse sport." A conviction affirmed yet again at the American Farrier Association Convention in Rochester, NY, "I had the privilege of meeting world-class farriers and industry providers serving multiple disciplines, the unwavering commitment to education, excellence and certification of skills in the farrier trade is phenomenal and serves as the foundation to the entire competitive horse industry." An accomplished equestrian, Kayne knows the value of proper hoofcare, "I am delighted to use the popularity of UNBRIDLED to share the critical role farriers play in the horse industry, television is a great platform to reach millions of horse owners, it essential to the welfare of industry to educate viewers on the overwhelming importance of regularly scheduled and proper hoof care.”

UNBRIDLED's niche is to present the reality of the horse industry in a passionate, embraceable style engaging the viewer and transforming their thinking. farrierFACTS presents the craft of the farrier as an art form to be respected and appreciated. It is a craft learned over a lifetime, taught by masters, mentors and horses. It takes extraordinary dedication to learn the craft and then persevere in difficult working conditions. "The continued success and growth of horse sports is dependent on the continued research, education, support and growth of the farrier trade. That is why we are adamant about distributing farrierFACTS in every episode of UNBRIDLED," stated Kayne, emphatically.

"My friends all know whose shoes the celebrity set wears, they even know what country they are made in, yet they don't even know what they are riding on," quipped Kayne, who likens shoes to tires on a Ferrari, "could you imagine paying six-figures for a car, having an unregistered mechanic throw some unknown tires on it, and then proceeding at 130 mph down the highway? Sounds like a blow out waiting to happen!"

Unbridling farrierFACTS is the first step to positioning hoofcare first in the mind of the viewer. It is also the first time industry providers will be recognized for their contributions to the advancement of hoofcare and its subsequent enhancement of performance. Kayne says it best, "it is the goal of farrierFACTS to elevate the level of appreciation for the farrier, educate owners on the fundamentals of proper shoeing, product application and most importantly raise the overall emphasis on hoofcare as the foundation of the multi-billion dollar equine industry."

about farrierFACTS:

farrierFACTS is designed to serve as an information resource to horse owners, and an avenue for industry providers to effectively reach the end-user about the importance of hoofcare. farrierFACTS is produced by rockin'horse productions and distributed through UNBRIDLED via television, radio, internet and print. farrierFACTS is co-venture of Andrew Elsbree, CJF and Susan Kayne. farrierFACTS is a trademarked property of the SUSAN KAYNE OMNIMEDIA LLC.


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