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South Essex Offers Low Cost Help With Vet Bills

An "accident only" healthcare plan is the main element of a new "£100 policy" devised by equine experts South Essex Insurance Brokers.

The Equine Easyplan policy allows owners to recover up to £750 for vet fees - although they have to pay the first £135 of any claim - arising from accidental injury to a horse or pony. And because of rising instances of colic, they can also opt for £1,500-worth of help towards fees for emergency surgery.

The policy has been introduced to meet the needs of people operating on smaller budgets but still wanting the security of good insurance. It is for animals up to 15.3hh at grass and being used for hacking and gymkhanas and for brood mares. SEIB supports the welfare work done by equine charities and "re-homed" horses over 16hh can also be covered.

"I wanted to provide a simple but comprehensive insurance policy at a premium of just £100." said David Buckton, Equine Director. "This policy is particularly suited to owners who enjoy hacking but who do not wish to compete. I also see it as being attractive to those caring people who take on a horse or pony re-homed by an animal charity."

Essential public liability up to £2 million is automatically included, together with £1,000-worth of tack and £500 if a horse or pony dies from accidental injuries. There is an optional extension to help with disposal costs. Owners can also get £300 to help with recovery costs after a theft or straying.

"The keeper or owner of a horse or pony can be strictly liable for any damage or injury caused by the horse or pony, even if the accident was not their fault. It is essential that anybody who has responsibility for a horse or pony is adequately protected by the correct public liability insurance, included in this package," explained Mr Buckton.


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