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High fibre diets can help laminitis management advises SPILLERS

Spring is the highest risk season for laminitis, a very painful and debilitating condition from which native type horses and ponies are particularly at risk. The results of worldwide research into laminitis recommend high fibre diets with low levels of soluble carbohydrates and fructans and a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals. Feeds such as SPILLERS Happy Hoof meet these requirements perfectly.

As the only Laminitis Trust Approved chopped fibre feed, SPILLERS Happy Hoof is high in fibre, low in starch, fructan and sugar, and has been formulated specifically for horses and ponies at risk from laminitis. A unique blend of chopped oat straw, alfalfa, dried grass, mint, garlic and soya oil with added vitamins and minerals, it is extremely palatable and can be used as a complete feed or a replacement for compound feed.

“In most cases the key to reducing the risk of laminitis is management,” advises SPILLERS head nutritionist Clare Lockyer “Owners of at risk horses and ponies should restrict grass intake when pastures are rich, particularly during the spring and autumn, and avoid feeding high starch compounds. They should instead choose a high fibre diet such as SPILLERS Happy Hoof, or SPILLERS High Fibre Cubes. Both are complete feeds, which safely meet horses’ and ponies’ needs for a high fibre diet.”

For more information on laminitis and practical management tips and a technical bulletin call the SPILLERS Care Line on + 44 (0)1908 226626, email or visit the Laminitis Trust website at


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