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horse Feeding for breeding from SPILLERS

Feeding breeding mares and growing youngstock that are good doers can present real problems. It can be hard to find a feed that will provide them with the extra nutrients they need when, at this time of year, most of their requirements are met by grass. Thanks to SPILLERS, the worldwide experts in equine nutrition, there is now an easy answer - SPILLERS Stud Concentrate.

Launched this Spring, SPILLERS Stud Concentrate is a highly palatable supplement, formulated specifically for all good doers, irrespective of breed, and is particularly recommended for native ponies and their crosses and warmbloods. It is also ideal for all mares foaling in summer and for bloodlines with a history of growth-related disorders.

Keeping your mare in optimum health will give her the best chance of a successful pregnancy. Even if she does not require extra calories she will still need a range of essential nutrients to support the healthy development of her foal. Once the foal is born, lactation will increase her energy needs by a phenomenal 75%, while she produces up to 4% of her own body weight as milk for her foal.

SPILLERS Stud Concentrate supplies high quality protein to give essential amino acids for growth, without energy for weight gain. Designed for low intake feeding it also contains chelated copper, zinc, manganese and selenium for easier absorption. A high vitamin E level supports the transfer of immunity from mare to foal via colostrum. This means both mare and foal will receive all the crucial extra nutritional support they need, but without extra unwanted calories.

For a free copy of the new SPILLERS guide to nutrition and breeding or if you would like to discuss your horse’s diet with one of our qualified nutritionists telephone the SPILLERS Care Line on + 44 (0)1908 226626 or send an email to For further information visit the SPILLERS website at


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