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Tony Head Pirate Costumes To Aid Rescue Rabbits!

Well-known actor Anthony Stewart Head and his partner Sarah Fisher are holding an auction for the pirate shirts worn in the stage productions of 'Peter Pan' and 'Pirates of Penzance' in aid of the Bunningham Palace rescue rabbit enclosure at their farm near Bath. The address for the worldwide online auction is, and the auction for the first pirate shirt closes on May 8th, 2004.

Anthony Stewart Head, better known to millions of fans as Giles from Buffy The Vampire Slayer, appeared in the productions wearing these pirate shirts at the Savoy Theatre until March 20th 2004. This is an amazing opportunity for fans to own some memorabilia from the shows.

Tilley Farm is a non profit organisation that works to rehabilitate animals and to teach TTEAM and TTouch to a variety of animal carers and owners. These techniques were recently seen on the television series "Talking to Animals". As part of the on going programme they have taken on six rescue rabbits from the Mayhew Animal Shelter in London and although they have provided excellent accommodation for the six bunnies, a stray rabbit was picked up from the road not long after building work was completed and brought back to Tilley farm so they now need an extension! To ensure the safety of the rabbits the pens are fully fenced with wire and timber roofing to protect the rabbits from birds of prey and feral cats and lined beneath the turf with wire to stop foxes digging in. Each pen has its own mini garden with a double level hutch and digging hole and the rabbits live in pairs. They are also planning to build a guinea pig garden so any extra funds would go towards the guinea pig garden. Tilley Farm only usually accepts animals from local, reputable shelters. If you have an unwanted rabbit or other pet, please contact your local RSPCA centre or animal sanctuary in the first instance.

" Tilley Farm is a non profit organisation that works to rehabilitate animals and to teach TTEAM and TTouch to a variety of animal carers and owners.
" Anthony Stewart Head and Sarah Fisher support a variety of charities by donating their time to raise profile and funds
" For further information on Tilley Farm, please visit


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