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Cross Country Trail Ride To Aid Children

After three weeks on the trail, the riders have just passed through Little Rock, AR and are headed toward Fort Smith and into Oklahoma.

Along the way they have been given over three truckloads of canned goods and nonperishables that have been passed on to the Tupelo Childrens Mansion, the Memphis Union Mission, and the Union Rescue Mission in Little Rock.

We've added another way for you to keep up with the adventures of the riders involved with Riding for the Children - AUDIO!

Hear their updates on our web-based "re-broadcasts" of weekly interviews with Jo Hargrave on her program, "Keepin' It Cowboy" from KJON-850 AM Anadarko, OK..

We've currently got the first two weeks available. Just click on the radio graphic for two 15 minute segments, aired 5/3 & 5/11, 2002.

There's a brief time of silence between the shows so keep on listening!

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On April 26, 2002, a group of cowboys left Centre, AL and are travelling 1,900 miles on horseback to Vernal, Utah. The cross-country trail ride is raising raise funds to feed America's hungry children.

Keep track of this journey at


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