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TV Ads On Horses On The Roads Launched

Thanks to lobbying by the British Horse Society, the government has included riding on the road as part of its road safety Think! campaign. The new specially made for television thirty second announcement will be launched jointly by the BHS and the DTLR (Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions) at Badminton on 3 May.

Horse riders everywhere will be delighted at this recognition of riders as vulnerable road users. "If motorists were more aware of the dangers, there would be far fewer accidents" said Sheila Hardy, BHS head of safety, "and these 'ads' will be a very effective way of getting the message across to drivers. We are all very grateful to the government for their support in this.

"The BHS is hoping that every TV station in the country will run the 'ads' regularly. To have a horse killed in this way is devastating. Many accidents could be avoided if drivers understood why it is important to pass riders wide and slow. Television companies have it in their power to get the message across; let's hope they take it."

There will be posters and leaflets available to anyone who wants to boost the campaign by distributing these to their local garages, car showrooms, supermarkets and libraries.

* The British Horse Society is a charity representing the two million leisure riders in the UK.
* 7 riders were killed last year on Britain's roads.
* There are an estimated 3000 accidents on our roads every year

BHS advice to motorists:
* Pass horses wide and slow - horses may be easily startled.
* Do not attempt to overtake when there is oncoming traffic - treat the horse as you would a car.
* Remember that the rider does not want to be there either, but lack of bridleways forces riders to use the roads.
* On country roads, be aware that there might be a horse and rider around the next bend, and slow down.
* Read the latest edition of the Highway Code!

BHS advice to riders:
* Wear hi-viz gear at all times so you can be sure to be seen.
* Take your BHS riding and road safety test.
* Make sure you have third party insurance (BHS gold members carry personal liability insurance up to £10m).
* Read the latest edition of the Highway Code


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