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How will you be listening at this year's Chatsworth International Horse Trials?
Computer Sciences Corporation sponsors information provision system at premier sporting event, 11th- 12th May 2002

9th May 2002: Computer Sciences Corporation - one of the world's leading IT services firms, with growing business interests in Derbyshire and Yorkshire - is sponsoring the public address system at this year's Chatsworth International Horse Trials.

Chatsworth, the Derbyshire home of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire, will be welcoming the world's top riders this weekend (11th-12th May). The 1,000 acre Park, on the banks of the river Derwent, is not only an invaluable local leisure destination but also one of the country's most spectacular settings for international eventing.

"CSC is particularly proud to be supporting and entertaining the rural community as they recover from the foot and mouth epidemic, which caused last year's event to be cancelled," said Tony Cliffe, Director, Business Development for Computer Sciences Corporation.

"Efficient and effective information provision will be particularly important this year, as the event now includes an entertainment arena as well as the usual showjumping area, acting as a focus for a wide variety of additional countryside pursuits and businesses," added Tony.

Admission will be £7 per person, with accompanied children under 14 free. Car parking is free on Saturday and Sunday, and Horse Trial visitors will be able to visit the House and Garden at a special rate.

About CSC
Computer Sciences Corporation, one of the world's leading consulting and IT services firms, helps clients in industry and government achieve strategic and operational results through the use of technology. The company's success is based on its culture of working collaboratively with clients to develop innovative technology strategies and solutions that address specific business challenges.

Having guided clients through every major wave of change in information technology since 1959, CSC combines the newest technologies with its capabilities in consulting, systems design and integration, IT and business process outsourcing, applications software, and Web and application hosting to meet the individual needs of global corporations and organisations. With some 68,000 employees in locations worldwide, CSC had revenues of $11.1 billion for the 12 months ended September 28, 2001. It's UK headquarters are in Farnborough, Hampshire. For more information, visit the company's Web site at


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