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Horse Webbers Against Cruelty - WHY??

A group of us from the message boards have started a campaign to raise awareness of the acts of cruelty and neglect toward horses and donkies, and the lack of help that the authorities give in these cases.

I own rescued horses and so have quite a large number of the "horse webbers" that are supporting the campaign, many of these horses and ponies have been rescued because the authorities have done nothing.

I have called the RSPCA and the Police a few times when horses are on deaths door, escaped on to the road and have been neglected. Washed their wounds and calmed them down only to have to give them back to ungrateful owners who neglect them. In one case recently a horse was killed and people were also injured.
I myself (and a lot of my fellow "horse Webbers") have had very bad experiences with the RSPCA as far as helping neglected horses. I have rescued 4 horses in the past and I still own 2 of them,(the worse of which is Lady my new forest filly, who almost died she was so neglected) , so I feel very strongly about this. We do not wish to be seen as picking on the RSPCA but they are by far the best-known animal welfare organisation in the UK. If this campaign can help get the law changed, get more inspectors, help from volunteers and or fund raising then we will have achieved something.

I have initially given ourselves a year to leave the petition running and to try and make a difference although I can see this is going to be an on going thing. So far we are just running with volunteers and I bought the domain and am web master for the site. There are a few volunteers around the country keeping their ears open for news of attacks or rescues and any horse news in general.

A couple of our campaigners are part of Equine Market Watch and run Halfpenny Sanctuary and organisation that campaigns for better conditions and for the laws to be enforced at sales and market and they try to rescue and re-home ponies that go through the sales. We will be running an "un wanted rug" campaign for the winter for them as they run entirely off of donations.

Another is Lesley Cooper who runs a rescue centre in Wales for neglected and abused "Trotters" those lovely ponies that you see being pounded into the ground in traps all around the country. We are also hoping to raise funds and awareness for her too, as she has kindly offered to take in any rescues.
So there you are. The main reason we have started this campaign is to help horses and ponies and donkies who are neglected, abandoned and abused, by their owners or carers whether it be deliberately or through ignorance. Also to try and make the Government sit up and take notice and to give the RSPCA more power to take a horse away if it is obviously neglected or abused.

If we are successful in anyway I will keep the campaign going indefinitely.

Thank you to every one so far for reading the web page and for your support how ever small. I am still looking for people to help in any way, even if it is only half an hour a week checking the local paper or by reporting any neglected or abused animals to the authorities.

Founder and Web master of Horse Webbers Against Cruelty

Sharon Bellamy


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