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Mini Foal Named after Norwich City Captain

The first Spring foal at ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) Hall Farm, Snetterton, near Norwich, came into the world early in the morning of Thursday 9 May, measuring in at just 55 cms or 18".

Although staff knew that Rosie, an 8.3 hh 8 year old skewbald miniature Shetland, was near her time they were thrilled to find her with a sturdy colt foal when they came into work on Thursday morning.

Comments Tony Tyler, ILPH Hall Farm Manager, "Rosie came to us already in foal in January with 13 other ponies. She was in poor condition and infested with lice.

"We are over the moon that she has given birth to a lovely, healthy, strong little colt foal and because we are all Norwich City supporters we have decided to call him Iwan, in honour of Norwich City's Captain, and hero, Iwan Roberts !"

Visitors will be able to see Rosie and Iwan from 11 am to 4 pm on Wednesdays, weekends and Bank Holidays when ILPH Hall Farm is open to the public.


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