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ILPH Bursary for Droitwich Farrier

Issued on behalf of the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) and the Worshipful Company of Farriers

Thanks to an ILPH bursary to fund his studies, Craig Hopkins Dip.W.C.F, a Droitwich farrier, will be able to take the Associateship exam of the Worshipful Company of Farriers.

Comments David Mountford, ILPH Director of Operations, "We are extremely happy to be able to offer this bursary to encourage farriers to further their training and careers. In turn they will be able to assist us on our farriery training courses in the developing world and within our equine rehabilitation programmes at our equine recovery and rehabilitation centres in the UK."

Commodore Richard Bridges RN, Chairman of the Craft Committee of the Worshipful Company of Farriers, says, "We are very pleased that the ILPH have offered to fund the studies of a Diploma holder enabling them to take their Associateship examination. Craig, who recently attended a foot balance course at Hartpury College as part of his preparation for the AWCF exam, was chosen out of 15 candidates.

Adds Craig, "I have horses of my own, so I understand how important good farriery is from both points of view - owner as well as farrier.

"Working with the ILPH to promote better animal welfare will be an excellent way of acknowledging their generosity in providing this bursary as well as being a highly rewarding experience."


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