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Little Bluey Saved from Life of Misery

Bluey an emaciated 3 year old 14 hands high coloured pony with desperately overgrown hooves is the latest arrival at Cherry Tree Farm, the ILPH (International League for the Protection of Horses) equine rehabilitation and recovery centre near Lingfield in Surrey.

Discovered in squalid surroundings in a village near Swanley, Kent, Bluey's owner, in fear of a prosecution, signed him over to the ILPH.

Says Ian Gibbs, ILPH Cherry Tree Farm Manager, "Because Bluey's feet were so overgrown he was walking on his toes and this has stopped his tendons at the back of his legs growing properly.

"He is young so we are hoping that once his feet have been trimmed back his tendons will eventually come right - He's a lovely little chap and he deserves a chance in life"

Visitors to the Centre will be able to see Bluey and other rescued horses and ponies over the weekend and Bank Holiday between 11 and 4 pm and on Wednesday from 2 - 4 pm.

Bluey on arrival


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