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The Laminitis Trust
(Registered Charity Number 1049266)
Mead House Farm, Dauntsey, Chippenham, Wilts, SN15 4JA

New Telephone Helpline For The Laminitis Trust

A new telephone advice service for worried horse owners seeking the most up to date advice on laminitis is available via The Laminitis Trust’s help line on

0905 105 105 1

The new help line is open Monday to Friday from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm when a veterinary expert will be available to discuss problems relating to laminitis. Calls will be charged at the rate of £1 per minute, which will greatly help the Laminitis Trust’s fund-raising drive for further research into the disease.

Director of The Laminitis Trust is leading equine veterinary surgeon Robert Eustace, FRCVS, a world expert on the disease, who has also set up a comprehensive website to assist horse owners on


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