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Leslie Morse makes a connection with her horses

Leslie Morse Stays in England to Train and Compete with Four Time Olympian Kyra Kyrklund

American dressage rider Leslie Morse and her stallion Kingston will stay in England through 2002 to continue working with four time Olympian Kyra Kyrklund. The pair arrived in England in March for a two-month training session as recipients of a United States Equestrian Team Grant. The coaching has been so successful that Morse was determined to find a way to stay. "We have made so much progress," Morse said. "I really feel this is a big year for Kingston and there is nothing he needs more than to continue with this highly focused, high-level training."

Morse found the two months with Kyrklund to be absolutely invaluable. "The time I have spent with Kyra has felt like a real luxury," she said. "I haven't had this type of in-depth assistance for a long, long time." Although Kingston routinely receives scores of 8s and 9s on his dressage tests, Kyrklund has really helped Morse fine tune the 17.2 hand stallion.

Fans have been able to follow the progress on Morse's website "Dressage Diaries" is a behind the scenes glimpse into training and preparing for top international competition.

Kyrklund will coach Morse at several horse shows this summer. The pair will debut on the European circuit in July, and hope to peak for the prestigious Hickstead Show in England in August.

Kingston and Morse were the 2001 United State Equestrian Team Festival of Champions Intermediaire Champions. The pair has been together for three years and has been nearly undefeated for two seasons with scores over 70%. Morse has earned three United States Dressage Federation Horse of the Year Championships. She grew up in California and has been competitive with several horses at the FEI levels for the past nine years. She now trains at Paragon Farms in Malibu.

Leslie Morse and her partner of three years, the approved Oldenburg stallion Kingston.


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