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Farmers Call For World Cup Team Effort

The NFU is calling on England football fans to take full precautions to ensure they don't bring foot and mouth disease back from their World Cup trip to Japan and South Korea.

Farmers are calling for the support of England fans that will travel to Jeju in South Korea for the England v South Korea World Cup warm-up match on Tuesday (21 May).

That match is the only game England will be playing in South Korea - currently fighting a major foot and mouth epidemic - but it still poses a very real threat, say UK farmers.

NFU President Ben Gill said: "Farmers wish our England football team the very best of luck. But it would be an absolute tragedy if we let down our guard and let foot and mouth back into the country.

"I would implore those fans who attend the South Korean friendly to stay away from infected areas and avoid coming into contact with livestock during their travels.

"We would also urge them not to take a risk in bringing South Korean food or meat back with them to the UK."

Mr Gill said he was also writing to DEFRA Secretary of State Margaret Beckett to call for enhanced vigilance and decontamination efforts at border crossings and airports - to ensure a "real team effort"



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