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Lack Of BBC Live Coverage

After watching the minimal coverage of Badminton HT 2002, I was personally disgusted with the quality of the outside broadcast. It was appalling that they only showed 200 minutes in total and that none of it was live.
When thinking about Burghley and Gatcombe and the rest of the big events, it tends to be the same story. It is minimal coverage and most of its not live.

As the BBC has said they cannot afford to cover such events. My personal view is, if they can afford to cover numerous football matches or other sports on a weekly basis surely it wouldn't hurt to sacrifice these when the once a year Equestrian Events are on. It's not like they're on regularly.

Why is it that although we are achieving as a country in these events, they are given a backseat to the televised coverage.
In the past we have won numerous medals and as individuals taken to trophies and titles. These are equal in meritocracy to football and any other sport.

Didn't we get team Silver in the 2000 Olympics and more recently get 1st, 2nd and 3rd at BHT. How is it that even if England loses a match in the World Cup the news story is shown ? Did I miss them saying Pippa Funnell and Supreme Rock took first at Badminton, or was it completely forgotten ?

As far as I am aware we all pay equal taxes and pay the same amount for a TV license ? Are we not entitled to see what we want ?

I'm currently in the process of contacting Mary King, Pippa Funnell and Leslie Law plus some of the major sponsors for support.

Please join the campaign for more coverage of Equestrian Events so that we can get our riders recognised along with their achievements. By creating enough support I feel the BBC will not be able to ignore our views and have to listen.

Please contact me at: for details of how to get involved.

- Elizabeth Shaw


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