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horse Four Legged Friend For Son Of Catherine Zeta Jones

Swansea-born actress Catherine Zeta Jones is determined that her two-year old son Dylan will not lose touch with his Welsh heritage. So, she was naturally delighted when the Welsh Pony & Cob Society presented her with a Welsh Mountain pony especially chosen for Dylan.

As President of the Noah's Ark Appeal, the Welsh actress joined cricketer Ian Botham in Cardiff on Saturday April 27th, where the pair took part in a walk to raise money for the charity - which aims to build Wales's first ever children's hospital. The pony was presented to Ms Jones shortly before the walk, although she opted to complete the walk on two legs instead of four.


The seven year-old pony - Highland Jinks - has taught countless children to ride, under the expert supervision of Kathleen James, who has bred and successfully shown Welsh Mountain ponies for the past thirty years. When asked why 'Jinks' was chosen for Dylan, Ms James was in no doubt that the pony's attributes make him a natural choice for children:

"Jinks has an excellent temperament and a very sweet nature, which is obviously important for any child learning to ride and handle a pony. He has taught lots of children to ride and knows his job inside out, I am sure he will give Dylan an enormous amount of pleasure".

The 11.2 hands-high pony was a sponsored gift from the Welsh Pony & Cob Society, a charity which is dedicated to the breeding and preservation of native Welsh ponies. Although it is renowned for presenting ponies to the royal family, Ms Jones's obvious desire to educate her son about his Welsh heritage and ensure he doesn't lose touch with his roots made the decision to give Dylan the pony an obvious one.

The Pony will soon make its journey to Bermuda


" The Noah's Ark Appeal is a charity which is raising £5 Million to build Wales's first children's hospital. Catherine Zeta Jones agreed to become patron of the charity in
September last year.
" Ms Zeta Jones was also presented with a hand-made saddle for the pony, kindly donated by Messrs Evans Bros. Auctioneers & Estate Agents, West Wales. She also received a hand-stitched bridle hand stitched and presented by Mr & Mrs Graham Butt of Llwynon Saddlery.


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