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Another triumph for Adam Shereston, the man who helps horses and humans in a paranormal way.

With a reputation that is known throughout the UK, Adam Shereston's latest success has now catapulted him into the headlines once again. The gifted individual has baffled medical science on many previous occassions. This time with his latest success, the proof is in the pictures with veterinary x-ray scan results.


Mrs Maria Stewart, who lives near Sudbury, Suffolk, had given up hope that her 17.3h hunter would ever recover from a severe hock tendon injury and despite a major operation and further intensive treatment, Samson failed to come sound and the injury failed to heal. The initial x-rays taken showed the intensive damage to Samson's hock. With Samson still very lame, further x-rays were taken 8months later to see if the injury showed any signs of repairing. The results came back exactly the same with no signs of healing at all.

Having given up hope of any recovery, Mrs Stewart read an article about Adam Shereston's abilities, and previous results he had with horses. Without any hesitation she contacted him to see if he would be able to help Samson. After Adam's first visit, which latest for about 2hours, Samson had gone from hopping lame, to almost sound. A further visit was made, again lasting about 2 hours, with this visit, Samson seemed to became sound.

Consultations with Adam and Mrs Stewart's local vets, advice was given to take Samson to Newmarket for further x-rays and assessment. The results of the x-rays came back clear, with no signs of any damage and the assessment passed. Mrs Stewart was left absolutely delighted. The vets at which the x-rays were taken, were left totally and utterly mystified. Horse and rider have already competed in an event, which has not been possible for well over a year, at which they were placed.

Adam has since helped with another one of Mrs Stewarts horses for psychological problems and her friend who was suffering from multiple sclerosis, who from the first visit regained her feelings back in her legs and feet. Clearly now with scientific evidence, Adam Shereston's abilities cannot be denied. Anybody who wishes to view the
x-rays and learn more about how Adam Shereston could help you can visit


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