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Horsemanship Through The Ages At Battle Abbey

Saturday 7 - Sunday 8 June

Equestrian skills from Roman times up until the First World War will go on show in a triumphant celebration of horsemanship through the ages at Battle Abbey, East Sussex, on Saturday 7 - Sunday 8 June.

A Roman soldier, Norman Knight, Armoured Knight and cavalrymen from the English Civil War, Napoleonic Wars and the First World War will make a dramatic and colourful spectacle as they demonstrate historic horseback skills ranging from archery and pistol firing to trumpet playing. Wearing authentic military uniform and with horses correctly dressed in the saddlery of each period, members of top equestrian historic interpreters, The Troop will be in the ring at 1pm and 3pm on both days.

Making a show-stopping appearance on horseback at each display will be the striking young Queen Victoria, dressed in full riding costume and seated - according to royal custom - sidesaddle.

Other highlights will include historic ploughing techniques and cavalry living history displays will be open to visitors from 11am.

Admission is just £8 for adults, £6 for concessions and £4 for children (free for under 5s) with a 50% discount for English Heritage members. A family ticket is available, price £20. For further site information, call Battle Abbey on 01424 773792.

There are hundreds of English Heritage events in 2003 for all the family to take part in and enjoy, ranging from Elizabethan Festivals marking the 400th anniversary of the death of Elizabeth 1 to Heritage Quizzes. The spectacular Festival of History at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire on August 9 and 10, is the must-see of the season. For a free diary of events, call 0870 333 1183 or visit


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