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horse British Horse Society's Royal President to open Tweed Trail in Scottish Borders

President of The British Horse Society, HRH The Princess Royal, will visit the Scottish Borders on Monday 19 May to officially open the first of the Tweed Trails across the south of Scotland. Her Royal Highness' visit is also part of the celebratory Borders Festival of the Horse
(17-25 May) organised by members of the BHS (Borders) Committee.

The Princess Royal will attend lunch where she will meet, among others, members of the BHS (Borders) Committee, representatives of the Southern Upland Partnership* and the sponsors and organisers of the Festival. Following the official opening of the Trail the Princess Royal will travel on to Selkirk where she will be introduced to dignitaries, meet some of the local children on their ponies and see a display of safety equipment for horses and riders which is being set up in conjunction with Lothian & Borders Police.

BHS Chief Executive, Kay Driver, said, "We are delighted that The Princess Royal has agreed to take part in the official opening of the first of the Tweed Trails between Traquair and the Yarrow Valley. Her Royal Highness is very supportive of the Society's work and has shown a keen interest in new access routes having opened another BHS initiative, the Sabrina Way in Gloucestershire, last year. We are doubly pleased that this will coincide with the second Borders Festival of the Horse, set up last year to promote the area following the disaster of Foot and Mouth Disease."


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