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Join Bob Jeffreys for a Partnership Training Clinic near you!

Learn about horse psychology, ground manners and mounted training, Centered Riding techniques and more!

Join Bob Jeffreys, founder of the Partnership Training for Horse & Rider system and his clinic partner, Suzanne Sheppard, for these events:


*May 23-25 - Foundation Clinic – Level 1 – $245. Red Gate Farm, Bloomingburg, NY -(845) 692-7478
*May 31 – Bob Jeffreys Partnership Training Demonstration- 11-2pm - Free Heritage Feed & Supply – Bloomingburg, NY
*June 6-8 – Foundation Clinic Level 1 -$245.- Brandon, Vermont – Contact Suzanne Hegarty @ (802) 247-6112
*June 20-22 – Foundation Clinic Level 1 – $245. – Monterey, MA - Contact Brian Puntin at (413) 528-6188
*July 12 – Round Pen Show @ 7 pm – $15 for adults; children 12 and under $10. Southmowing Stables -Guilford, VT -(845) 692-7478
*July 12 & 13 – Complete Ground Manners Clinic – $245.-Southmowing Stables - Guilford, VT - (845) 692-7478
*July 19-22 –Extended Foundation Clinic – $450. - Red Gate Farm – Bloomingburg, NY- (845) 692-7478
*July 28 – Aug. 1 – Horsemanship Breakthrough Week – $795- Jeffcrest Ranch, Middletown, NY - (845) 692-7478

To register, visit the schedule page on our website, or call (845) 692-7478

** Receive a 5% discount ** **when you register by May 20th**

We don’t break horses, we teach horses and riders to make breakthroughs!


Find out more, visit the links page or find answers on the message board.


Copyright 1994 to 2024 Equiworld at Hayfield, Aberdeen, Scotland - 30 years on the web. Archived Version.