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horse British Riding Clubs' National Novice Indoor Show Jumping Championships 2003
Sponsored by Natural Animal Feeds

The finals of the NAF sponsored Novice Indoor Show Jumping Championship took place on 26 and 27 April and provided an excellent show case for BRC's talented novice riders. The course, designed and built by Nick Staines, ensured a suitable challenge for the finalists. The senior day fielded 34 qualifying teams and 24 junior teams on the Sunday.

Tracey Lloyd, PR & Marketing Manager for Natural Animal Feeds said "NAF are delighted to sponsor this extremely popular Championship. It's wonderful to be involved in a competition like this, run specifically for novice riders where the facilities and organisation are first class. The number of teams competing were up on last year, and while the competition was hot, the sense of team spirit was particularly apparent, creating a great atmosphere throughout the whole weekend. I'm sure everyone, horses, riders and support teams, had a really great time which makes it all the more rewarding for NAF to sponsor the competition."

Wrekin North Riding Club
Outright team champions were Wrekin North RC, who guaranteed their number one slot with a clean slate in both rounds and a fantastic performance from each of their team members. The team jumped clear in the first and second rounds ensuring entry into the jump off for the individual title. Consolidating an excellent run of form, Selina Allen on Top Gun took the individual title in addition to the Wrekin North Team Championship Title. Selina and Top Gun won the Novice Show Jumping Individual Championships at Lincoln in September of last year and we can all expect to see bigger and better things from this duo. The Wrekin North team were: Selina Allen, Top Gun; Sharon Hollister, Circus Sable; Heather Davies, Foxy Lady; Chris Gwilliam, Hillside Chloe.

Mid Devon Riding Club
The Mid Devon junior team made sure their long journey was worthwhile with a victory in the junior team championships. Finishing on a score of just four faults the team were delighted with their win. The team comprised of: Amanda Friend, Merlins Magic; Katherine Pink, Ridgeway Magic Moment; Lizzie Luxton, Coversham Statesman; Stacey Littlejohns, Mugli.

Torfaen Riding Club
The junior individual title went to Stephanie King on Madison Avenue from Torfaen RC. Producing a double clear and a tremendous jump off round, Stephanie took the beautiful silver plate and NAF prizes back to South Wales.

Full Results:
Senior Teams:
1st Wrekin North (Selina Allen, Top Gun; Sharon Hollister, Circus Sable; Heather Davies, Foxy Lady; Chris Gwilliam; Hillside Chloe). 2nd Severn Vale (Diane Sealey, Spaniorum Inspiration; Jaci Glass, Carlow Spring; Becky Jenkins, Just Vicky; Emma Boalch, Jake). 3rd Huntingdon (Kelly Murdoch, Romany's Luck, Anna Lords, Neno; Vicki Impey, Charlie Brown; Kay Graves, Purple Pride). 4th Longton (Anne-Marie Aughton, Yogi Bear; Stephanie Howarth, Master Daniel; Lisa Crabtree, Cummings Ancient Cross; Tracey Fleming, Stert). 5th Cherwell Valley (Miranda Davies, Harvest Gold; Katy Briggs, Red; Sarah Khan, Grandmaster; Claire Buddin, Rabbit). 6th Huntingdon Blue (Sue Reynolds, Barney Rubble; Anne Palmer, Tangham Foxtrott; Liz Lain, Flying Double; Kelly Murdoch, Bay Storm). 7th Rearsby Lodge (Sally Haynes, Pengelly Collection; Holly Polak, Lust for Life; Mandy Sheilds, Sir Oxo; Carolyn Chapman, Out of the Blue). 8th East Midlands DG (Marion Thomas, Murphys Law; Rachel Birch, No Doubt; Anne Stanley, Tie Breaker; Lynne Wood, Mac). 9th East Cheshire (Sheila Coram, Royal Ice; Eloise Bell, Ebony; Jenny Benoy, Hollyhurst; Nicola Toomer, Joseph). 10th Sarah Stentiford, Kings Barbour; Lizzie Atkins, Garstons Adventure; Alison Payne, Jack Spratt; Anna Mason, Billy Wizz)

Senior Individuals:
1st Selina Allen, Top Gun; Wrekin North. 2nd Catherine Jones, Ddol Mr Spook, Maelor. 3rd Amanda Thornton, Milford Ranger; Holsworthy. 4th Chris Gwilliam, Hillside Chloe; Wrekin North. 5th Katy Briggs, Red; Cherwell Valley. 6th Jaci Glass, Carlow Spring; Severn Vale. 7th Kay Graves, Purple Pride; Huntingdon Red. 8th Vicki Impey, Charlie Brown; Huntingdon Red. 9th Sharon Hollister, Circus Sable; Wrekin North. 10th Lizzie Atkins, Garstons Adventure; Wye Valley.

Junior Teams:
1st Mid Devon (Amanda Friend, Merlins Magic; Katherine Pink, Ridgeway Magic Moment; Lizzie Luxton, Coversham Statesman; Stacey Littlejohns, Mugli). 2nd Strathkelvin (Lyndsay Pettigrew, Charlie; Samantha Lovatt, Frenchie; Kara Murray, Kerry; Denise Gilmour, Sparky). 3rd Rearsby Lodge (Annabel James, Aspling St George; Sarah Gibson, Distant Storm; Tessa Spencer, Starlight Dancer; Joss Williams, Taka's Miracle). 4th Tendring Hundred (Samuel Outridge, Agenta Cinnamon Dust; Samuel Cauvain, Whiskey Mac; Lauren Goldsmith, Prince; Victoria Cauvain, Bertie. 5th Charville (Carly Grimster, Goldie; Kristie Grimster, Smarty; Gabriella Wheeler, Lacy; Kerry Grimster, Paddy). 6th Swallowfield (James Smith, Buster; Annabel Hill, Henry; Abigail Bevins, Harvey; Tina Curling, Lexus). 7th Longton (Laura Rippon, Toyah; Katie Russell, Dryll Sandpiper; Emily Froehlich, Lady Eleanor; Aimee McIntosh, Highland Kinkade). 8th Rother Valley (Chloe Clark, Furzey Lodge Jenifer II; Janek Zysemil, Dolygarn Lad; Bella Knight, Prime Opportunity; Andrea Furness, Music Man of Havenhurst). 9th Nantwich (Harriet Davies, Dusty; Harriet Puzzle, Puzzle; Kimberley Shone, Robin of Mellifont; Beth Ford, Little Miss Muffet). 10th Torfaen (Danielle Goddard, Pedro; Kelly Gabriel, Warrior; Stephanie King, Madison Avenue; Keighley Thomas, Romany Dream Legend.

Junior Individuals:
1st Stephanie King, Madison Avenue; Torfaen. 2nd Samuel Outridge, Agenta Cinnamon Dust; Tendring. 3rd Lyndsay Pettigrew, Charlie; Strathkelvin. 4th Harriet Davies, Dusty; Nantwich. 5th Charlotte Ducker, Spring Break; Elstead. 6th Katherine Pink, Ridgeway Magic Moment, Mid Devon. 7th Francesca Reid-Warrilow; Radnor. 8th Kimberley Shone, Robin of Mellifont; Nantwich. 9th Abby Davies, Biffo Ballistic; Cropthorne. 10th Kristie Grimster, Smarty; Charville).


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