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horse Kbis Equine Insurance British Riding Clubs Festival of The Hunter attracts over 500 competitors

The stage is set for another exciting Festival of the Hunter, the British Riding Clubs' championship event for hunter trials and showing classes. The event, generously sponsored by Kbis Equine Insurance, will take place on Sunday 1 June 2003, at Grange Farm, Wittering, near Peterborough.

A busy schedule of Championship classes takes place during the day:

Working Hunter Senior Novice Hunter Trials
Working Hunter Pony Senior Open Hunter Trials
Ridden Lightweight Hunter Junior Novice Hunter Trials
Ridden Middleweight Hunter Senior Novice Hunter Trials
Ridden Heavyweight Hunter
Ridden Novice Hunter
Ridden Cob

Individuals, as well as teams, will be awarded rosettes and prizes in the hunter trial classes, which have a record-breaking entry of 391 qualifying competitors. In the showing classes, which this year have 120 entries, individual awards are presented to tenth place, and the three judges taking part will decide on an overall Best in Show at the end of the day.

Emma Spivey, Head of Riding Clubs, said: 'We are delighted once again to welcome Kbis Equine Insurance to the Festival as our sponsors, and thank them for their continuing support. Thanks should also go to the team at Grange Farm, who have put together a lovely course for us in their spectacular surroundings'.

In addition to support from Kbis, Horse & Hound will also be present at, and reporting from, the event; look out for coverage in the 5 June issue, and on their web site:

For further information on the event call the British Riding Clubs' office on 01926 707767 or visit The British Horse Society's web site: and click on British Riding Clubs. Full results and an event report will be posted on the website following the event.


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